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Looking to study in the historic city of Plymouth? We will support you from the moment you start your research. Together we will find you the right course, support your visa application and secure you the best accommodation for your budget.

We are always on hand for any questions that you may have, from before you arrive, to the time you join us on campus and throughout your studies. You can contact our international recruitment team by emailing international@aup.ac.uk. You can also visit Study UK's website, where you can find helpful information on studying in the UK.

<p>Plymouth's place in the history books is a true reflection of how much our city values international perspectives. Across this harbour have sailed Charles Darwin and The Beagle, Robert Falcon Scott bound for the Antarctic, Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance, Napoleon imprisoned on the Bellerophon, survivors of The Titanic and innumerable pilgrim ships, bullion ships and warships, and the world-famous Mayflower Steps on Plymouth’s historic Barbican mark the place that the Pilgrim Fathers set sail from on their voyage to the New World in 1620.</p> <p>In the same adventurous spirit, Arts University Plymouth is dynamic, inclusive and forward-thinking. We welcome a growing number of international students and draw upon an art school ethos without frontiers, spanning over 160 years. Arts University Plymouth is a place where creatives collaborate and experiment to develop their unique specialisms, in a vibrant city with a <strong>strong culture of creativity</strong>.<br /></p>

Explore the stunning scenery a stone's throw away from the Arts University Plymouth campus.

<p>Plymouth is the largest city in the county of Devon, and the safest big city in south-west England, listed in the <strong><a href="https://housegrail.com/safest-cities-in-the-uk/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">top ten safest cities in the UK</a></strong>. The city has excellent travel links via car, train and ferry, with direct train services to London and the rest of the country and easy access to three nearby airports (Bristol, Newquay and Exeter).<br /><br />If you are an international agent/representative and you would like to work with Arts University Plymouth, please get in contact with us at <strong><a href="mailto:international@aup.ac.uk">international@aup.ac.uk</a></strong>.<br /></p>

Graphic designer Tatsu Ishikawa discusses his move from Japan to Plymouth and how his studies at Arts University Plymouth shaped his practice.

Contact Us

<p>Our friendly admissions team is here to help you prepare for your arrival and give you practical advice about living in the UK - contact team members directly using the information below, or email the team on <a href="mailto:international@aup.ac.uk"><strong>international@aup.ac.uk</strong></a>. <br /></p>
Chloe Swann

Chloe Swann

Senior International Officer
<p>Please feel free to contact Chloe (<a href="mailto:international@aup.ac.uk">international@aup.ac.uk</a>) who can help with:</p><ul><li>Information on our<strong> <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate">undergraduate</a></strong>, <a href="https://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/courses?orderBy=lft&amp;studyLevel=141"><strong>postgraduate</strong></a> &amp; <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree"><strong>post-16</strong></a> courses</li><li>The application process</li><li>Interview &amp; portfolio advice</li></ul>

Office for Students Register

<p>Arts University Plymouth is a recognised body on the Office for Students (OfS) Register, which lists all the English higher education providers officially registered by the OfS and is a single, authoritative reference about a provider’s regulatory status. </p> <p>We are an English higher education provider that is authorised to award degrees, and our inclusion on the OfS Register means that we meet the OfS requirements for course quality, academic standards, student support, student protection and more. For more information see <a href="http://www.officeforstudents.org.uk/the-register" target="_blank" dir="ltr" rel="noreferrer noopener">www.officeforstudents.org.uk/the-register</a>.</p>
International enquirers: register your interest